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Student Council

The committed team of the Student Council plays an important role at ISM. If you are a fellow student, an alumni or applicant –  the Student Council is happy to help and is eager to find a solution for every issue. It is also responsible for the organization of some events during the year and serves as interface to the Presidental Board and the Head of campus. There is an election once a year at the beginning of the winter term. The members are elected for two semesters. Interested students can form groups and stand for the election.

In their Moodle course, you an find an overview of the Student Council at your campus.

Working groups

Being part of a working groups enables students to enhance their strenghts, develop interests and implement ideas for shaping the campus (life). If you would like to work creatively in the marketing or social media area or prefer to try new sport disciplines after your courses, everything is possible. We also encourage you to create new working groups.

Informations about the different working groups can be received from the Student Council at the respective campus.