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My financing

We also support you with finding opportunities to finance your studies!


Scholarship, BaföG, study loan oder the ISM eduaction funds - We help you to find the suitable financing option.

You can find more information via service downloads or on our YouTube Channel



The Grants Commission awards scholarships according to the ISM Grants Principles each semester. Please make sure to provide all the required information. Complete applications need to include recent tax assessments of both the applicant and his/her parents. The ISM Grants Commission is not handling any applications for third party related scholarships as offered by NGOs, public entities or political organizations.

Campus Dortmund

Burkhard Bamberger


Tel: +49 231 975139-363


Campus Hamburg

Foto Kai Trams

Kai Trams



Campus München

Meiko Zeppenfeld



Deutschlandstipendium (Germany Scholarship)

Since the winter semester 2012/2013, students and first-year students in Germany have had the opportunity to receive funding through the Deutschlandstipendium. The alliance of civil society engagement and state funding by the federal government is aimed at Bachelor's and Master's students of all disciplines, regardless of whether they are studying full-time, distance learning or part-time, and whose academic and professional careers promise outstanding achievements. The scholarship is completely merit-based and is granted regardless of parental status.

The International School of Management (ISM) also participates in this attractive support program for top-performing young students. Scholarship holders receive 300 euros per month for one year - half from the federal government and the other half from companies. The Deutschlandstipendium supports particularly high-achieving students and applicants who also demonstrate social commitment. The average grade must be better than 2.0.

Scholarship holders benefit not only financially, but also in terms of ideas: through ‘your’ sponsor, you will establish a wide range of important contacts in practice.

Please note! The ISM Scholarship and the Deutschlandstipendium are NOT combinable!


How long is the Deutschlandstipendium granted and when can I apply for it?

•    Funding period (if selected): 1 October – 30 September of the following year. During this period, you must still be enrolled at the university
•    Application period: June 15 – July 15
•    Shortly before the start of the application phase, all students will receive an email from ISM and it will be published as news in myISM and in the social networks


Who can apply for the Deutschlandstipendium?

First-year students as well as Bachelor's and Master's students of the ISM of all disciplines, regardless of whether they are studying full-time, part-time or distance learning.
Foreign / international students are also welcome to apply, as long as they are ISM students.
ITC students are the exception. They must apply for the Deutschlandstipendium at FH Dortmund.


How can I apply for the Deutschlandstipendium?

During the application phase (mid-June - mid-July) you can find the application form for your application under myISM-> My applications.
If you are outside the application period, this application is not visible or cannot be activated
Please fill out the application form completely. An incomplete application will not be considered. We recommend saving the application from time to time (click on the "Save Application" button) and do not enter everything at once. However, don't forget to click on "Submit Application" later to send your application.


What criteria are used to award the scholarship?

In addition to above-average grades (current grade point average of at least 2.0), voluntary or social commitment as well as special personal achievements are also taken into account when awarding the scholarship.


How and when will I find out if my application has been successful?

We will notify all selected scholarship holders in writing. The selection process is generally completed by the end of August. Please refrain from contacting us before this time.


Who should I contact if I have any questions?

We will be happy to answer any questions you may have about the Deutschlandstipendium by e-mail at . You can contact us at this address all year round.


How many scholarships does the ISM award?

The number of scholarship holders depends on the number of sponsors we are able to attract each year. As a rule, we award 8-12 scholarships in this way.

For further questions and answers, please refer to the FAQ List (Link to FAQs EN).